Learn Languages - busuu

Learn a language with busuu on your mobile, at home or on the go! Used by over 50 million people worldwide and rated by Android as a “Must have app” for 2014, busuu is the fun and easy way to learn a new language in just a few minutes a day.

* English
* French
* Spanish
* German
* Italian
* Japanese
* Chinese
* Portuguese
* Polish
* Russian
* Turkish

*Learn the basics with vocabulary & grammar lessons, audio dialogues and interactive tests.
*Submit practice exercises where native speakers will help you perfect your skills.
*Set yourself a personalised goal to ensure you are reaching your learning objecives.
*Personalised to fit your style of learning, ensuring you become a proficient in the quickest possible time.
*Learn the most important 150 topics and 3000 words.
*Test your knowledge with fun quizzes to see how much you have learnt
***What the media say***
Forbes – “Quicker, Smarter, Better”
New York Times – “easy to use & feels cheerful”
Google – “Must Have App”
BBC – “easier way to learn”

Learn Languages - busuu Learn Languages - busuu Reviewed by Rahul Soni on 12:04 Rating: 5

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