Google's 2014 Santa Tracker: Follow Santa's route

Google's 2014 Santa Tracker: Follow Santa's route

Google has once again brought out its Santa Tracker so you and your family can follow Santa's journey around the world on Christmas Eve. The tracker now sports a Material Design look, and lets you follow Santa as he goes, see his route, play games, and more.

Santa Tracker lets you follow along with Santa's route, seeing how far along he is, and how close he is to your location. You can also view Santa's previously visited locations, how many presents he has delivered, and his next stop. There are a number of games available, and you can also explore the North Pole's Christmas Village for more fun things to do.

Google's Santa Tracker app was updated earlier this month with a new design, along with support for Android Wear and Chromecast.

Google's 2014 Santa Tracker: Follow Santa's route Google's 2014 Santa Tracker: Follow Santa's route Reviewed by Rahul Soni on 23:12 Rating: 5

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