W-Tools (hide last seen)

Get more out of WhatsApp! !No ROOT needed!
NOTE: (Read it Please...)
1. Click 'Start Service' and open WhatsApp
2. Now you can read and write messeages without changing your online timestamp.
3. Once you exit WhatsApp your WiFi/Data connection will be enabled automatically and all messages will be send.

Thanks to W-Tools you can finally use WhatsApp you want to.
Features include:
- READ messages without changing your 'last seen' status
- WRITE messages without changing your 'last seen' status
- WhatsApp Bomber
Thanks to “hide ‘last seen’‿ you can have private conversations with anybody knowing that you are online.
How to use “hide ‘last seen’‿:
- Start the “hide ‘last seen’‿-service
- Open WhatsApp and read/write your messages.
- When you close WhatsApp your written messages will be send and you are again able to receive messages.

W-Tools (hide last seen) W-Tools (hide last seen) Reviewed by Unknown on 04:38 Rating: 5

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