Secrets for Android

Secrets for Android securely stores and manages passwords and secrets on your Android phone.
User guide:
Enable online backup (or how to upgrade to a new phone):
To access your secrets on your PC, give Chris Wood's PCSecrets a try. You'll need the following:
- PCSecrets running on the PC. Get it from source forge:
- PCSSync, a companion android app that keeps your secrets on the phone in sync with the PC. Get it directly from the Play Store:
Chris and I worked closely together to make sync as easy and secure as possible. Let us know what you think on the discussion forum:!forum/secrets-for-android
PCSecrets is also a good way to transfer secrets to a new phone. First make sure to keep your existing phone in sync with your PC. When you get a new phone, install Secrets for Android and PCSSync, and sync. You're done!

Secrets for Android Secrets for Android Reviewed by Unknown on 03:23 Rating: 5

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