uCiC - Request, See, Share
uCiC - Request, See, Share
★★★ Awarded Best App 2015 at Mobile Apps Showdown, CES ★★★
Want to know how long the line-up at Starbucks is? Want to know the vibe at the club before you head there? Want to know if the gym is busy right now? Want to know if the surf's up before you get to the beach? Want to see a live video of this evening's sunset in Paris? Want a picture form front row in the concert?
Use uCiC to get real-time pictures and videos from anywhere you need!
With uCiC, you can find out the latest news at any particular location worldwide while cutting through the noise and gaining direct access to real-time snaps posted by fellow uCiC users in response to your queries. There’s nothing like receiving timely assistance from locals!
--------------Here’s how uCiC works: --------------
• Select a point of interest on the map
• View all the active users there anonymously
• Type in your request and it gets sent to everyone there as a push notification
• Users can respond by taking a pic and sending it
• Earn Karma for helping others with their photo requests
• Use the Karma to create new requests
• Share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Periscope, Pinterest, Snapchat, Whatsapp and more
uCiC is a human network, a local guide of sorts, which facilitates the transparent sharing of queries and snaps, without swamping you with information you don't require. So you receive precise visual answers to your questions, get to see only what you want to, and enjoy a relevant and focused experience. iCuC can help you make quick decisions, make comparisons and receive the latest information and updates, and learn more about whatever you want to.
uCiC gives you full control over your privacy. Establish location-based connections with people anywhere across the globe while remaining anonymous, without having to “friend” them or opt for private messaging. Help fellow users visually explore your neighborhood by answering their queries and earn Karma in return! It's like Vurb recommendations from locals. Your Karma will come handy when you have requests of your own.
uCiC - Request, See, Share
Reviewed by Rahul Soni
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